2011 Spring Plugfest of the IEEE 1588 Standard and Technology Forum

Fraunhofer IOSB-INA                             Insitut Industrial IT

The Institut Industrial IT (inIT, www.init-owl.de) of the Ostwestfalen-Lippe University and the Fraunhofer Competence Center Industrial Automation (IOSB-INA, www.iosb-ina.fraunhofer.de) in Lemgo/Germany are hosting the spring plugfest, providing participants the opportunity to perform interoperability testing of devices in compliance with the Precision Time Protocol IEEE 1588 standard.

The Precision Time Protocol Interoperability plugfest will take place March 30th � April 1st 2011 at the Science-to-Business Center Industrial IT (www.ciit-owl.de) in Lemgo, Germany, which is nearby to the venue of the Hannovermesse 2011 (www.hannovermesse.de).

CIIT - Centrum Industrial IT

As independent organizations, inIT and Fraunhofer are committed to neutral testing of open standards technology and the lab�s plugfests allow participating companies to test their devices and identify interoperability and performance issues early, speeding go to market time for products. Working together, the participants can decrease research and development and quality assurance expenses, reduce product time to market and drive the industry acceptance of a technology.

Contact Information and Registration

Sebastian Schriegel
mail: sebastian.schriegel@iosb-ina.fraunhofer.de
phone: +49 52 61/7 02 - 59 25



The spring plugfest will be supported by the company Meinberg Time and Frequency Synchronization (www.meinberg.de) and the InterOperability Laboratory of the University of New Hampshire (UNH-IOL).